Money-saving Tips | First Stop | Tyres & Car Services

Money-saving Mastery: Community's Top Tips

We asked our digital community to share their best money-saving tips and they’ve answered!

This is why we've pooled all their collective knowledge together to unlock a treasure trove of money-saving tips that will transform how we approach our finances. Whether it's cutting down on expenses, finding hidden discounts, or discovering creative ways to maximise our savings, thanks to our friendly community, you can make your money go further.

Read on to find out how you can stretch your hard-earned money to its fullest potential.

Shop smarter, save better

Shopping smart is the ultimate strategy for getting the most out of your budget. It allows you to stretch your money further by making informed purchasing decisions and finding the best deals.

Here are some great ideas people shared with us!

  • Sylvia F: “Don't be tempted to buy shop-bought sandwiches for work. Make your own.”
  • Seanan G: “Have a priority list of things that you need to buy and try and aim to save for one each month. Things may come up like second-hand items or gifts, so you don’t want to find yourself making lots of big purchases every month.”
  • Tracey E. R: “Draw out cash on a Monday, budget your shopping, and don't be tempted to just swipe your card, it's amazing how much I have managed to cut down on the shopping bills this way.”
  • Alison D: “Many supermarkets have a reduced section, so buy and freeze what you can. I lurk around M&S on a Sunday afternoon picking up all the yellow-reduced stuff. True story.”
Money-Saving Tips | First Stop | Tyres & Car Services
  • Amanda P: “Check out the reduced sections in stores, make use of club cards and vouchers, and pay attention to offers.”
  • Karen W: “Make a meal planner for the week (with ingredients needed) before you go shopping and only buy what you need.”
  • Michelle G: “Buy pre-loved clothing and accessories.”
  • Alison V: “Always use coupons if in mags and newspapers, also look for the 3 for 1 offer. Entering competitions is also a great way to win shopping vouchers.”
  • Dave P: “Batch cooking can save a fortune, and if you can afford to - buy in bulk.”
  • Hazel K: “Try not to put extra in your shopping trolley, cut out going out for meals and takeaways, and put that extra money in a savings tin.”

The money-saving tips above can be redirected towards your long-term savings goals, helping you build financial security and invest in your future. With smart shopping habits, you're on your way to maximising value and achieving financial well-being.

Amp up energy efficiency

Make informed choices that benefit your finances, the environment, and future generations. By embracing energy efficiency, you can save money, reduce your environmental impact, and contribute to a more sustainable world.

Here’s what the community said:

  • Kimberley D: “Turn off electric from sockets around the house - no standby mode. This will be great for that.”
  • Kieth H: “Charge your small electronics in the car when you drive to work.”
  • Kelly J: “Turn all switches off at night.”
  • Sian W: “Three-minute showers are a money saver! I find listening to a song which is that length helps - ABC by Jackson 5 is my song of choice.”
  • Daisarella B: “Use a smart metre.”
  • Caroline M: “Turn off lights when not in the room.”

From switching to energy-efficient light bulbs to unplugging vampire electronics, every small change adds up to big results.


Small steps towards big savings

Making savings is crucial for financial security, achieving future goals, maintaining peace of mind, and seizing opportunities. It offers you the freedom, flexibility, and preparedness to navigate life's uncertainties and work towards a more stable future.

Let’s see what else our community had to share:

  • Anne-louise H: “Use your leftover change from cash to fill up a piggy bank, and if your bank offers round-up to the nearest pound, take advantage of it! You don’t see it go if you’re doing it daily.”
  • Gary C: “Save all your loose change for a year. You will be amazed by how much it all adds up.”
  • Dawn E K: “Change your current instant access account to one which pays monthly interest. #everylittlehelps.”
  • Hilda W: “If you owe money and are paying interest you should pay as much as you can towards the highest interest rate first and minimum on the rest.”

Knowing that you have savings can bring peace of mind. It reduces financial stress and provides a sense of security, allowing you to enjoy life more fully without constant worry about unexpected expenses or financial instability.

Enjoying fun on a budget

Enjoying leisure activities that don't cost money often involves spending time outdoors, connecting with nature, and exploring the world around you. From hiking and cycling to picnicking in the park – there’s always an activity you can enjoy without spending money. Some of our favourite tips are:

Money-saving Tips | First Stop | Tyres & Car Services
  • Elizabeth G: “Have a ‘no spend weekend’ – one every other month if you can. Do activities like going to the park, walks, movie night, board games, free museums, etc. Take your own packed lunches and snacks.”
  • Charlotte C: “Make your own coffee.”
  • James A: “Walk instead of getting the bus or a taxi. WIN-WIN!”
  • Bridget J: “Mend and make do. We have become a throwaway generation. So many things can be mended or repurposed. If you don’t know how to fix it - somewhere on the internet, you’ll find the answer.”
  • Valerie C: “Get an allotment or grow your own in tubes at the front door.”
  • Helen T.S: “Always carry a bottle of water with you in case you get thirsty.”
  • Gill C:“Grow your own fruit and veg.”

A big thank you to everyone who shared their money-saving tips!

Start implementing these money-saving strategies today and watch as your savings grow.