First Stop News | Post Lockdown Checks

First Stop’s post lockdown checks to keep motorists moving

First Stop launches post lockdown checks

First Stop is offering free vehicle and tyre checks to coincide with the easing of lockdown restrictions, in their own generous pledge to get motorists back on the move.

Under Step 2 of the ‘England Lockdown Roadmap,’ pubs, shops, gyms and hairdressers have all reopened and in response to the good news, the network of automotive centres has promised to give all visiting cars a complimentary inspection.

The decision to offer the ‘post lockdown checks’ was made in response to so many cars being stationary for long periods before more businesses were able to reopen.

First Stop UK Retail Network Manager Mark Widdows said: “With more people travelling to and from work in cars that have been parked up for so long, we wanted to support motorists in this way to provide peace of mind and add a layer of safety at this time.”

All drivers need to do is book an appointment with their nearest centre beforehand and let First Stop’s technicians get to work for 10 minutes, with a full breakdown of findings given thereafter.

Mark added: “We would like to think that we’ll report a clean bill of health on all cars we see and if this is the case, then we’ll all be happy. But on occasions, there might be one or two mechanical issues that we can identify due to a vehicle being parked up for so long. If so, we can advise on the issues right away and offer a solution thereafter.”

First Stop is one of the most progressive automotive networks and is aiming grow to 220 centres nationwide by 2024. Ambitious, independent businesses are partnering with First Stop, which is sporting a new corporate identity and one of the most attractive franchise packages in the aftermarket.