Servicing | Freemans Tyres

Car Servicing in Bournemouth

Car Servicing by Freemans Tyres

When it comes to car servicing in Bournemouth, prevention is better than a cure — and that's exactly what you'll find at Freemans Tyres .

We understand that each car has its own story and needs. While a full car service is recommended every 12,000 miles or 12 months, this is a general rule that might not fit every situation, especially when you consider your car's service history and manufacturer service schedule. That's why we tailor each car's servicing timeline to its age and condition to protect its safety, reliability, performance, and lifespan.

With our highly trained professionals, state-of-the-art equipment, and bespoke approach to each vehicle, it's easy to see how car servicing by Freemans Tyres offers you much more than just a routine check-up.

Do you need to Book a Service?

Most manufacturers recommend a service every 12months or 12,000miles - whichever comes first.

Vehicle Service enquiry form
Dealer service page for freemans tyres

Freemans Tyres

Manager:Larry Freeman
Open now (08:30 - 17:30)

Independent tyre garage in Moordown area. Our tyres are supplied & fitted by our tyre experts & we can offer next day fitting of all the major tyre brands.

Freemans Tyres details

Freemans Tyres  dealer service map
1053 Wimborne Road, Moordown, Bournemouth, BH9 2BY
Local directions Bottom end of Wimborne road heading to towards Kingston Road.
Get directions
08:30 - 17:30
08:30 - 17:30
08:30 - 17:30
08:30 - 17:30
08:30 - 17:30
08:30 - 12:30

Bank Holiday opening hours may vary

Do you need to Book a Service?

Most manufacturers recommend a service every 12months or 12,000miles - whichever comes first.

Vehicle Service enquiry form

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Other services offered by Freemans Tyres

Wheel Alignment Service Wheel Alignment Service

Wheel Alignment

Ideally, you should have a wheel alignment check annually or every 10,000 miles to correct any deviations caused by impacts with kerbs and potholes. Shop for Wheel Alignment at Freemans Tyres in Bournemouth.

Brake Pads And Discs Brake Pads And Discs

Brake Inspection

Go to Freemans Tyres to have your brakes checked at least once a year (or every 12,000 miles) to ensure you are safe.

Air Conditioning Service Air Conditioning Service

Air conditioning service

Freemans Tyres can carry out a comprehensive check of your cars air conditioning system. It's recommended to re-gas air conditioning every 2 years.

Safe Tyres1 2 Safe Tyres1 2


At Freemans Tyres we are specialists in Tyres and giving you a professional approach.